Don’t Get Caught Off Guard If Canine Influenza Strikes

“When canine influenza hit Illinois KennelSol kept my business open and clean” – Kathy, Rex’s Place

When all other animal boarding facilities in a 50-mile radius had to close, Rex’s Place stayed open. Owner Kathy Litchenstein swears that KennelSol and KennelSol APS are the reason she was able to stay open and keep her facility clear of viruses. Since a dog’s cough can spread the virus up to 20 feet, it is important to have a combination of products that can clean all surfaces including hard to reach areas. The combination of KennelSol and KennelSol APS will make sure all surfaces including ones you can’t reach are appropriately treated. Canine Influenza has been causing havoc in many other cities across the United States, so it is important to make sure your facility is ready if it infects your area.

Since this virus can be easily transmitted by contact with infected dogs and by indirect contact with the environment; animal boarding facilities, pet resorts, grooming parlors, veterinary clinics, and animal shelters are high-risk areas that need a broad-spectrum approach to disease control. These highly contagious Type A influenza virus’s causes respiratory disease in dogs. H3N8 and H3N2 are very contagious for dogs, but have not been reported to infect humans. To avoid problems in animal care facilities it is important to have dogs vaccinated and to keep your facility clean and disinfected with appropriate combinations of products.


This is a must have to prevent canine influenza. KennelSol is a broad spectrum germicidal cleaner, deodorizer, and disinfectant formulated for animal care facilities. The concentrated formula knocks out pathogens in one easy labor-saving step and also leaves a wintergreen fresh cent. This popular disinfectant is EPA registered and kills a broad spectrum of pathogens, including many important to the animal care industry. Effective against viruses (including Canine Parvovirus), bacteria, and fungi. (link to KennelSol)


This is a liquid surface sterilizer, a sterilant, that kills all forms of microbial life. Every facility should have this ready-to-use formulation on hand in the event of disease outbreaks (of any kind). For tabletops, exam tables, grooming suppliers, countertops, cages, and more. It’s the “Big Gun” for eliminating pathogens completely sterilizing surfaces that are treated with it. Stay tuned for more information in a future Blog, or click here to learn more now about this amazing product, and why you want to have it on hand in case of an emergency.



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